Okay, so I have no authority to correct someone else’s spelling and grammar, coming from a guy who one day was convinced “stew” was spelled “stu” (among other words that I am choosing to block out right now) .... but it is always fun to see these mistakes on signs and notices. I saw these misspellings and other mistakes from a MSN UK page. I had to share! So hope you enjoy.
Yes, someone fluent in English might be able to help
Sorry but “friut” from the Penny Pincher does not count as one of your five a day
I have heard of "Do Not Climb" and "Do Not Cling" but what is "Do Not Clinb?"
I guess in one sense they got this one right, if you don’t tighten the security on your car, it will be loose to thieves.
Yikes....this one could use with a nice prepositional phrase to make it wholesome
Two possibilities: 1) They have misapplied the apostrophe and should read - Ladies’ or 2) They have misspelled “Laddies” AND misapplied the apostrophe. What do you think? This could cause some serious confusion!
I spell “tomatoes” you spell “tomatos” (These are supposed to be pictures from the UK, this one from the region of Kent in England. But I am having a hard time believing this one is in the UK. Look at all those SUVs in the background. I am sorry but you rarely see that many gathered in a group like that. If it is in the UK then something dodgy is happening, are we sure those are tomato plants)
At least something is right...the spelling this time! Poor illiterate souls who get hit by the double decker bus just because they followed the arrow!
These amuse me. On the friut/vegetable sign, I'm intrigued that they correctly spelled the more difficult word, vegetable, but messed up fruit. Too funny. I also love the one with the SUVs... it took me awhile to figure out your innuendo with "are those really tomato plants" - ha ha ha!! Can't wait to share with Ben.
Thanks for the chuckle. Those are great.
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