Sunday, 25 May 2008

A Bit of Block News

Today and yesterday was spent cleaning our new place. We basically did a spring cleaning of sorts: washing, dusting, and vacuuming. This week we will be moving our things in and cleaning out our current place.

Here are a couple of happenings from this past week.

Last Sunday, Tristan cut the grass using the electric mower. It plugs into the outlet through our kitchen window. You can tell it's a lot of hard work mowing the 15 square feet. :)

Yes, sadly that is a dead little bird. On Wednesday it tried to fly through our closed kitchen window. I about jumped out of my skin, as I was standing next to said window at the time. Tristan tried to tell me that it did not die, that it probably just stunned itself and would get up and fly away. I took a peak at it and saw it twitch a bit and thought that maybe he was right. But after our dinner it became quite clear to us that it was not going to be flying away any time soon or at all for that matter. It also became a bit of an issue as to how we would dispose of the poor thing, since our fortnightly trash pick up had just been by the previous night. So Tristan carried out his husbandly duty of disposing of dead animals and picked up little tweety using a sack and took him over the road to a nearby field and laid him to rest near some trees (I'm fairly certain that's what he said he wanted for his final resting place with the little twitch he made to me before he died.)

Friday night we had another youth gathering. Pictured below is our group attempting the human knot.

And here I am not participating in the human knot, because I was cuddling Cameron. What a wee cutie!


md said...

I'm sure you guys are very busy but if you have time check out my blog, it will give you something to write about for fun.